Ready to start your application?
Set up an account with our online services portal to start your application.
Scam warning
An email scam is circulating, which impersonates registered IP attorneys and pressures applicants into filing a trade mark. Exercise caution if you receive an unexpected email about IP rights. Read more: Scams relating to IP rights
Before applying, make sure you:
A patent can be owned by:
Conduct a thorough search to make sure your invention hasn't already been created.
You should search:
If your invention has already been shared publicly before you apply for a patent, it won't be eligible for protection. Provisional patents
You'll need:
In certain circumstances it may be necessary to provide a sequence listing as part of the application.
How to write specifications Patenting biological inventions
You'll need to:
You'll receive a filing notice with the details of your application.
We'll advertise your patent in the Australian Official Journal of Patents (AOJP) and publish it to the Australian Patent search.
Publication of your patent means:
Once you've submitted your application, you (or another person) can request examination. This can be done when you file or at any time after you file your patent application. This process comes with a fee.
You have up to five years from your filing date to request examination and pay the associated fee. If you don't, your patent application will lapse.
It can take up to 12 months for your patent application to be examined.
You can also request an expedited examination to have your patent examined faster.
If there are any issues raised during our examination, you'll have 12 months to resolve them. If you can't overcome them, your application will lapse.
We'll let you know the outcome via your online services inbox. If your application passes our examination process, it will be accepted and the following happens:
If you're a small to medium business, you could be eligible to use our free patent case manager service.
If you'd like legal advice or hands-on help with your application, you should consider engaging a patent attorney.