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Australian IP Report 2024
- Overview
- IP and the economy: Key roles and impacts
- Chapter 1: Collaboration, commercialisation and patenting in Australia
- Chapter 2: IP and competition: How broad are Australian patents?
- Chapter 3: Patents
- Chapter 4: Trade marks
- Chapter 5: Designs
- Chapter 6: Plant breeder's rights
- Chapter 7: Copyright
- Chapter 8: Research program
- Australian IP Report 2023
- Publications and reports
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Australian IP Report 2024
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- Accreditation and revocation of qualified persons/approved persons under the PBR Act
- ACIP Designs Review Recommendations 18a 18c and 18f technical issues
- ACIP Designs Review Recommendations 18b 18d 18e and 18g technical issues
- Act change to improve refund power for Trade marks and PBR
- Address confusion around registered and certified designs and the two-step examination process
- A fee incentive for narrowing the scope of registrations of trade marks
- Aligning the reckoning of periods of time in Part 13 of the Trade Marks Act with that in the Customs
- Allow amendment of the Statement of Newness and Distinctiveness SoND up to the point of certification
- Allow Commissioner to seek external advice in applying a morality exclusion to patentability during
- Allow exclusive licensee to bring proceedings for infringement under Designs Acts
- Allow exclusive licensee to bring proceedings for infringement under Plant Breeders Rights Act
- Allow partial product registration for designs
- Allow the Registrar to request further representations where the full scope of the design is unclear
- Allow trusts to be entered into the Designs Register where legal personality is established
- Amend grace period under section 80G of the Trade Marks Act to align with other grace periods for paying renewal fees
- Amending the Patents Act to permit partial redacting of sensitive information within patent document
- Amending the Trade Marks Act 1995 to make more efficient provision for specifying classes of goods a
- Amendment of the Olympic Insignia Protection Act to include additional damages for unjustified threa
- Amendment to clarify the effect of an entitlement application under s 361b of the Patents Act 1990
- Amend pharmaceutical extensions of term
- Amend rules for determining priority of patent claims to prevent selfcollision poisonous priority
- Amend s 1332b Patents Act dealing with compulsory licenses and the crossreference to the Competition
- Amend scope of exclusive licensees under the Patents Act to clarify who can sue for infringement
- Amend the level of inventive step
- Amend the Patents Act to include a statement of objectives
- Amend trade marks fee schedule to better align presentation with how IP Australia reconciles certain
- Automatic publication of designs 6 months after filing date amend innocent infringer defence
- Avoid trade marks ownership formality issues
- Change in terminology in section 23 of the Designs Act to better align with other IP rights and juri
- Change in the timeframe for paying a PBR application examination fee
- Change to requirements for certificates of verification for patent applications
- Change to requirements for certificates of verification for trade marks and designs applications
- Clarification of s43 of PBR Act
- Clarify ambiguity in section 19 of the Designs Act
- Clarify definition in the Plant Breeders Rights Act of propagating material to include material capa
- Clarify exhaustion of Plant Breeders Rights rights provisions
- Clarify that it is an offence to claim Plant Breeders Rights protection after it has expired or term
- Clarify the definition of patentable subject matter
- Collect larger patent renewal fees less frequently
- Compulsory licensing clarify the scope of reasonable requirements of the public test in Patents Act
- Consistency of wording of filing a PBR application
- Crown Use lack of clarity around services
- Date of patent when there has been an extension under s223
- Deceptively similar marks for parallel imported goods
- Definition of trees and vines in the PBR Act
- Delegate the powers under paragraphs 210 a c of the Patents Act
- Digital access services for trade marks and designs documents
- Directions to request examination
- Disclosure of source requirement for genetic resources and Traditional Knowledge in patent applicati
- Distinguishing parent lines when applying for exemption to providing reasonable public access under
- Draft IP Laws Amendment Bill 2017 Part 13 Acceptance of trade mark applications
- Draft IP Laws Amendment Bill 2017 Part 14 Registration of Designs Part 13 of the draft Regulations
- Draft IP Laws Amendment Bill and Regulations 2017 Part 1 Renewals and terminology Designs
- Draft IP Laws Amendment Bill and Regulations 2017 Part 2 Examination, re-examination and reconsideration
- Draft IP Laws Amendment Bill and Regulations 2017 Part 7 Amendments of applications or other documents
- Draft IP Laws Amendment Bill and Regulations 2017 proposals that will be progressed in 2017 2018
- Duration of PBR Section 22 of the PBR Act
- Employment requirements for applicants to register as a patent attorney and location conditions
- Establishing an Indigenous Advisory Panel
- Examination deadline
- Examination of standard patent requests and specifications
- Exclude inventions that are wholly offensive to the public from patentable subject matter
- Expand essential derived variety declarations
- Expand safe harbour for patent and trade marks attorneys from prosecution under state and territory
- Extend jurisdiction of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
- Extension Of Duration Of PBR At A Taxon Level
- Extensions of time and protection of third parties (patents and trade marks)
- Facilitate alternative dispute resolution for PBR matters
- Fees for multiple design applications
- Grace period and whole of contents novelty issue
- Hague Agreement on Industrial Designs
- Improve customers behaviours to prevent a response to IPAs first reports after 11 months
- Inclusion of trade marks in plant variety names or synonyms
- Increase fees to limit strategic use of patents
- Increase flexibility in managing s75 extension of term for pharmaceutical patents oppositions
- Inhouse trade mark cancellation process
- Interaction between compulsory licenses and international treaty obligations
- Introduce an information notice system to allow Plant Breeders Rights owners to obtain information r
- Introduce division of International Registrations Designating Australia
- Introduce exemplary damages for infringement of Plant Breeders Rights
- Introduce grace period for designs and a prior user defence
- Introduce legislation to require registration as a trade mark or patent attorney to conduct matters
- Introducing a definition of a graphic in the Patents Act 1990
- Investigation into provision for mergers for International Registrations Designating Australia
- IP dispute resolution centre
- Labelling requirements under the Plant Breeder's Rights Act
- Legislative uncertainty about the requirements of a common design
- Measures to prevent registration of trade marks and designs using Indigenous Knowledge without conse
- Missing parts of patent application
- Modernise Schedule 2 of the Designs Regulations
- Moving IP Australias fees out of the regulations
- Moving provisions from PBR Act to PBR Regs but keeping same meaning effect
- Objection to application for PBR and appeals
- Office seal that may be kept and used in electronic form
- Official Journal
- Omnibus claims consequential amendment
- Operation of Section 27 of the PBR Act
- Parallel importation of trade marked goods
- PBR acceptance grant lack of satisfaction on any crucial matter must result in a refusal to grant
- PBR acceptance/grant - rejecting a part 1 application due to a lack of novelty
- PBR Act Section 375 - costs associated with a decision to have a test growing
- PBR - declaration of document as non-OPI
- PBR Exception from recent exploitation Registrar to prescribe Tests or trials
- PBR Narrow the scope of the Plant Breeders Rights farmers exemption
- PBR/patent system overlap
- PBR Timing of Revocation under s501a and opportunity for EOT for action under S 501b
- Permit partial replacement of Australian trade mark registrations by IRDAs
- Phasing out of the innovation patent system
- Power of Registrar to amend trade mark applications to comply with legal personality requirements
- Prescribed persons under paragraph 363f of the PBR Act
- Proposed amendment to Designs Regulations
- Protection for incremental improvements for designs
- Provide two months to file a ‘notice of intention to defend’
- Provision of PBR expert panel as recommended in ACIP report
- Provision to reimburse or refund initial objection fee for PBR
- Publication of personal information
- Public notice to be given on surrender of PBR
- Reconsider treatment of virtual or nonphysical designs
- Redefine utility for grant of a patent specification to remove promise of the invention
- Reduce minimum period for taking nonuse action
- Redundant reference in Patents Reg 1.3(7)
- Reform extension of term data reporting
- Reform unjustified threats of infringement
- Refund of examination fees when application is withdrawn after requesting examination
- Regulations of trade mark agents
- Remove series trade marks
- Renewals and terminology (patents, trade marks and PBR)
- Repeal best method requirement for grant of a patent
- Repeal contrary to law grounds for rejecting or revoking a patent
- Repealing section 144 of the Patents Act 1990
- Repeal of provisions empowering Trans-Tasman IP Attorneys Board (Board) to conduct examinations
- Repeal the right of state courts to revoke a patent
- Re-registration and restoration criteria for patent attorneys
- Review end point royalties to improve compliance with PBR licensing
- Review extraterritorial exploitation and infringement
- Review the concept and benefit of multiple applications
- Review timeframe for filing translations for PCT national phase entry
- Review translation requirements for PCT National Phase Entry
- Revise document provision under the Plant Breeders Rights Act to broaden the scope of documents that
- Schedule of fees - item 404 not matching PCT schedule of fees
- Section 18 of the Designs Act 2003 and overlap provisions of the Copyright Act 1968 to be made consistent with each other
- Section 19 Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987 Section 42b Trade Marks Act 1995 Cth
- Section 8 of the PBR Act Approved Persons
- Simplifying trade marks nonuse proceedings before registration
- Streamlining Bill Part 3 Extensions of time and protection of third parties PBR
- Submission and examination of three dimensional and four dimensional model files
- Subsections 435 6 of the PBR Act Crossreferencing to s 431e
- Time for applying for compulsory license to exploit a patented invention
- TM correcting ownership errors post registration
- Update definition of Madrid Protocol in TM Act
- UPOV Discussions of the definition of essentially derived varieties EDV
- Virtual marking of patented and design rights protected products
How to comment on policy issues
ACIP IP review archive
Consultation groups
- IP legislation in Australia
- Our customer promise
- Doing business with us
- Accountability and reporting