Scoping study on standalone IK legislation

This scoping study looks at possible models for new legislation that would support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to protect and commercialise their Indigenous Knowledge (IK).


This study commenced following the 2020 Government Response to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs Report on the impact of inauthentic art and craft in the style of First Nations peoples.

It was overseen by the cross-department Indigenous Knowledge Working Group (IKWG) and looks into potential elements of standalone legislation that would support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to protect and commercialise their IK.

The scoping study was undertaken by consultancy Ninti One in consultation with the IKWG, and an Indigenous Expert Reference Group working with IP Australia. 

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The outcomes from this study include:

  • An interim report which looked at four possible elements for increased IK protections
  • A fact sheet designed to summarise scoping study interim report options in short form
  • A final report which identifies areas for further work and ways Government could progress with First Nations peoples. This was developed using feedback from targeted consultations on the interim report through conversations, written submissions or online survey feedback. It also draws on feedback to the Productivity Commission’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Visual Arts and Crafts inquiry.