Alpha and beta products

We're actively trialling new tools and systems to make it easier to navigate the intellectual property (IP) system. Here's some of our current alpha and beta products.  

Our new tools and systems

Here are some of our current products. We're always exploring new ways to improve, so keep an eye out for new projects and products, as well as opportunities to provide feedback and collaborate with us.

Customer research

IP First Response

We’re in the pilot stage of a new tool to help you explore different ways to protect your intellectual property if you believe it has been infringed.

Alongside our existing services, you can use IP First Response to:

  • find step-by-step information on common enforcement pathways
  • learn about potential costs, risks, and outcomes
  • inform yourself about how you can choose to address the issue.

While the platform won’t replace professional advice, it may be a useful first step to better understand your options.

Try IP First Response

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Our research

As part of our goal to continuously improve our products and services, research is one of our core activities. 

Business resources

Protecting your great ideas with intellectual property (IP) rights can lead to lasting benefits for your growing business. Here's some useful resources to help you get started.

Design rights Patents Plant breeders rights Trade marks

Public consultations

If you have an interest in the direction of intellectual property (IP) in Australia, our public consultations are an opportunity to have your say on past, current and future policies.