The following information can help you know what to do if either:
- you've been impacted by fraudulent behaviour relating to IP
- you experienced behaviour that doesn't feel right relating to dealing with our agency.
Fraud that our agency can investigate
If you believe an employee of IP Australia or the Commonwealth has been fraudulent, corrupt or otherwise misleading in their conduct when dealing with you, you have several options. You can provide your information and copies of any evidence by:
- sending directly to our fraud control team:
- by email to
- by post to fraud control officer, PO Box 200, WODEN ACT 2606
- submitting in-person to the front desk at our address at Discovery House in Woden.
Fraud that our agency can’t investigate and steps you can take
If you’ve paid for a service that you didn’t receive, we encourage you to report it with the following organisations:
- Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)
- the Department of Fair Trading in your home state or territory.
- call the Police Assistance line on 131 444 or go to your local police station.
The ACCC has:
- guidance on how to protect yourself from unsolicited invoices
- details on where to get help if you receive an unofficial invoice
- provides regular alerts on Scamwatch to help you recognise, avoid and report unofficial invoices.
Choosing to remain anonymous
You may feel the need to remain anonymous. In this case you can provide the information by email or mail directly to our fraud control team and request to remain anonymous.
We won’t be able to contact you to discuss any allegations but will take action on any information provided. Please be aware that remaining anonymous can delay or prevent our investigation from progressing if there isn’t enough information for us to act on.